Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Microsoft Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigation Shortcuts
Ctrl + ]Moves the cursor to the matching brace in the source file
Ctrl + Hyphen (-)Moves cursor to its previous position
Ctrl + Shift + Hyphen (-)Moves cursor to the next browsed line of code
Shift + F7Switch between the Design and Source View of the document
Ctrl + TabDisplays the IDE Navigator with the current document selected. Allows you to navigate open documents. Also try Alt+W+2
Ctrl + Shift + FDisplays the ‘Find in Files’ tab of the ‘Find and Replace’ dialog box
Ctrl + IActivates Incremental Search by searching for the next occurrence of the input text. You can even use F3
Shift + F12Displays a list of all references for the symbol selected
Ctrl + /Moves focus to the Find/Command box

Editing Shortcuts
Ctrl + K + CComment a Line or an entire selected block
Ctrl + K + UUncomment a Line or an entire selected block
Ctrl + LCuts the current line
Ctrl + C, Ctrl + VDuplicate a line

Window Shortcuts
Shift + Alt + EnterToggle Full Screen Mode
Ctrl + M + OCollapses all Regions to provide a high level overview of the types and members in the source file
Ctrl + M + LToggles all previously collapsed Regions
/Collapses all tabs in a Toolbox
*Expands all tabs in a Toolbox. If * does not work, use Shift + 8 for ENU keyboards as explained here
Shift + EscCloses the current Tool Window with focus

Code Completion Shortcuts
Ctrl + Period (.)Expands the Smart Tag Menu (Usually when you rename a method or need to add a ‘using’ statement). You can also use Alt+Shift+F10
TabInserts expanded code snippet using a shortcut (for example enter the keyword ‘class’ and hit Tab twice)
Ctrl + SpaceCompletes the current word in the completion list

Other Shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + BBuild the solution. You can even try F6
F5Start the application with Debugging
Ctrl + F5Start the application without Debugging
F9Sets or Removes a breakpoint at the current line
Ctrl + Shift + SSave all unsaved files
Ctrl + Alt + LShow Solution Explorer
Ctrl + Shift + ADisplays the Add New Item dialog box
Alt + Shift + ADisplays the Add Existing Item dialog box

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